2018 The sound of Syndae Sampler (Code: SYN1801)

It was 2008 when syndae was born. Stefan Schulz' passion for electronic music was revived with the encounter with Stefan Erbe and the Electronic Circus people at Spaceworks in Hagen and awakened his desire to support and promote this style of timeless music. Ten years and 450 shows later, syndae is still up and running. And it certainly deserves a celebration. Here comes the anniversary CD featuring unique music from unique artists. The Sound of Syndae was born from remembering The Seed, an album by John Kerr published in 1992. The aim was to let artists have their take on a common melody, which in the case of the syndae CD is the theme music of the show. Realized as an open call for tracks, several artists submitted their interpretations. And to leave personal feelings out of the tracks selection, a jury of electronic music experts was employed who voted on an anonymized base. The album offers music in different styles. And yet the tracks merge into a unique experience due to the common theme. Perfectly suited to the goals of the podcast, The Sound of Syndae offers a journey through the diverse world of electronic music.

Preorder possible - available at 8th, Sept.

Chris Gate - This is Syndae
moonbooter - Syndae's Theme (Boot From Moon mix) 
Jim Ottaway - Mystery Without Clues
That Horologe Machinery Divine - Of things Impossible? (could Sleep do more?)
Stan Dart - Syndae´s Nightmare
Rudolf Heimann - Analogue Delight
Sonic Chain - The Voice of Syndae
y space - Sunshade
Reskimus - Near Manchester
Dream Within - Flight over Chryse Planitia
In Vitro - Golden Mars
Stefan Erbe - GP 
Bonus: Stefan Schulz - Golden Plain (The Sound of Syndae)


Price: 9.99 EUR
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